Yoga & Naturopathy

ABOUT Yoga & Naturopathy

Today at one end the world might be moving at a fast pace due to revolutionary technologies and inventions but at the same time, human lives and the environment is getting affected very badly. The lifestyles, working culture, and food habits have changed like never before that too in a negative way. Young people are suffering from Blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc due to lifestyle disorders. The allopathic treatment is available to cure these diseases but then medicinal side effects are always there.
AISECT university Jharkhand established the department of naturopathy and yoga for students to study alternate healing treatments to cure lifestyle diseases and make human lives better in this fast-moving and stressful working environment.

Being the best yoga and naturopathy college in Jharkhand, the esteemed faculty emphasize on imparting a thorough knowledge of natural remedies, natural body healing treatments, and physical training to create best yoga instructors and naturopaths’ in our country to cure all the diseases in a natural way. In any kind of medical practice whether it's allopathic or naturopathic there are certain attributes that one should possess to become the best professional to serve mankind. The department of yoga and naturopathy focuses on developing the following attributes in the students for their bright career.

  • Empathy for patients
  • Intellectual ability and emotional stability
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Persuasive skills
  • Excellent motor skills
  • Research orientation
  • Professional ethics
  • Excellent analytical and reasoning ability
  • Good sensory modalities.

Being the best yoga and naturopathy college in India, AISECT university offers the following yoga courses to make students eligible to treat dreadful diseases using alternate therapies.

S. No. Name of Faculty Specialization Designation Year of Experience Photo

Yoga Instructor Course (YIC)
Eligibility : - After passing the HSC examination
Duration : -Six Months
Program Outcome
Program Specific Outcome

The irregular lifestyle and stressful working environment have affected human health very badly. So many lifestyle diseases have started attacking younger people due to a sedentary lifestyle and stressful lives. In the last few years, Yoga started gaining immense popularity because of the spread of a number of lifestyle and stress-induced diseases. Now a day’s people have started paying attention to their health and have realized the importance of living an active life through regular exercising and yoga.

India is a land of origin of yoga, in our country yoga is considered as a way of life and not an exercise. Today yoga is practiced by people all over the world and they are getting benefitted by it. Yoga uses Ayurvedic principles and remedies to cure diseases.
Yoga helps in relieving stress, anxiety, chronic body pain and improves blood circulation, body flexibility, muscle strength, lung capacity, bone density, brain function, body posture and lowers blood sugar, blood pressure and weight gain tendency to lower the risk of heart diseases.

AISECT university offers Yoga Instructor Course of the duration of six months where students practice yoga to increase their own muscle strength, flexibility and study the principles of yoga and Ayurveda. This yoga course is designed to make students academically and technically proficient to help people in fighting with stress and lifestyle-induced diseases without any medication.

Post-Graduation Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy
Eligibility : - After Graduation in science
Duration : -One year
Program Outcome
Program Specific Outcome

Post graduation Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy is a one-year duration course that can be pursued right after completing graduation in science. Naturopathy is one the branch of science that focuses on the self-healing ability of the human body. It improvises the body’s immunity, nervous system, hormonal balance and excretory system to cure various diseases. In this academic program, students study various kinds of diseases, their symptoms, problem areas, and causes like lifestyle disorder and stress, to learn the ways of curing these diseases.
The main subjects of this yoga course are as follows:

  • Nutrition Therapy
  • Homeopathy Medicines
  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal/Botanical Medicines

Career Prospects

After completing Yoga and Naturopathy course students can start their own private practice or work in Government and private hospitals to treat patients in a natural way.

Board of Studies
Internal Members

S.No Name Designation

External Members

S.No Name Designation
Academic Calendar
Co-Curricular Activities

S.No Activity Date

Library Books Details - Dept of Yoga & Naturopathy

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S.No Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Link of the recognition in Research Paper enlistment of the Journal
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S.NO. Staff & Department Name of the Event Organization / Venue Date/Duration
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SNO. Name of Faculty Membership Name of the Organization
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Guest Lecture Name of the Department Expert Name Topic Date
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