
Publish Date : 12/21/2023 12:29:13 PM

We all know that agriculture is very important especially in India. It is a major sector and more than half the population of India relies on agriculture for their livelihood. This makes it very necessary for universities to recognize agriculture as a course and encourage more students to pursue the course.

Education in agriculture can teach students about all the traditional practices of agriculture, as well as the newer practices associated with it. Some important topics covered in the course include the study of different soils and how to manage them, seeds, crop disease, water management practices and many more.

India has seen a lot of growth in agriculture and related sectors like animal husbandry, milk production, cultivation and other fields. All of these changes have made sure that India remains self-sufficient in the field of agriculture.

Human beings depend on agriculture for more than just a livelihood. Agriculture provides people with a vital food source. It is a fact that society would crumble without the proper knowledge of agricultural practices. This makes the need for agriculture courses in universities even more important.

AISECT University is one of the leading agriculture universities in Jharkhand. The curriculum is updated regularly to make sure the course is up to date with all the technological advancements in the field of agriculture. The main subjects taught include forestry, agriculture technology, animal husbandry, fisheries management and agricultural business management.

Some of the main challenges faced by the industry are as follows

  • Low agricultural productivity globally
  • Decrease in profits
  • Competitiveness due to globalization and crop quality
  • Poor linkages between farms and markets
  • Lack of qualified professionals in the field

Universities teaching B.Sc Agriculture courses aspire to meet these challenges by increasing the awareness of students about these issues and encouraging them to take up the course. Luckily, many students are becoming curious to learn about agriculture education and career scope nowadays. In order to properly address all of these challenges, competent human resources would be needed in large numbers in the near future. To ensure this happens, there needs to be more of an emphasis on agricultural education than ever before. There is a gap between the demand and supply of manpower when it comes to research and development in agriculture. Agricultural education hopes to fill that gap.

Universities teaching B.Sc Agriculture courses aspire to meet these challenges by increasing the awareness of students about these issues and encouraging them to take up the course. Luckily, many students are becoming curious to learn about agriculture education and career scope nowadays. In order to properly address all of these challenges, competent human resources would be needed in large numbers in the near future. To ensure this happens, there needs to be more of an emphasis on agricultural education than ever before. There is a gap between the demand and supply of manpower when it comes to research and development in agriculture. Agricultural education hopes to fill that gap.

What are the career opportunities for students after completion of this course?

There are many opportunities for students when they complete their education in agriculture. This is because there is always a need for more professionals in the field of agriculture. Students can opt to work in fields such as horticulture, food production, food processing and animal husbandry. Students can also work in hotels and resorts on landscaping projects. Industries supporting agriculture like fertilizers, pesticides and seed development industries also hire agriculture graduates. Students can also opt for higher education in agriculture by going for M.Sc in Agriculture.

If you need more information about this course, please feel free to browse the website.